Monday 10 April 2017

SSL decryption error while using GRPC

I am using GRPC version: 1.1.2 & JDK version:1.8 on the GRPC client connecting to a NodeJS server. The Java client is able to connect fine but I always see the exception below on the server side when I disconnect from the client.

exception (only on server)

E0410 15:03:19.674531000 140735121084416 ssl_transport_security.c:439] SSL_read returned 0 unexpectedly.
E0410 15:03:19.674829000 140735121084416 secure_endpoint.c:185]        Decryption error: TSI_INTERNAL_ERROR

I am shutting down the GRPC Java connection with the following call:

channel.shutdown().awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);  //channel is ManagedChannel

Should I be cleaning up any other resources before making this call or should I use an alternate mechanism to disconnect cleanly from the server?

Edit I noticed that I get the same error when I try the following as well:


via ali haider

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