please can you help me with my routing problem? I'm trying to make a REST API using typescript and repository pattern in Node.js (express).
I have two generic classes BaseRepository and BaseController which together handle the basic CRUD transactions. Other domain controllers are derived from these ones.
There is my code:
productRouter.ts used to handle routes:
import { Router } from 'express';
import { ProductController } from '../controllers/ProductController';
class ProductRouter {
private _router: Router;
private _controller: ProductController;
constructor() {
this._router = Router();
this._controller = new ProductController;
get routes(): Router {
this._router.get('/product', this._controller.getAll);'/product', this._controller.create);
this._router.get('/product/:id', this._controller.getById);
this._router.put('/product/:id', this._controller.update);
this._router.delete('/product/:id', this._controller.delete);
return this._router;
productController.ts used to init the BaseRepository and its derived from the BaseController.
import { BaseController } from '../common/BaseController';
import { BaseRepository, IRepository } from '../common/BaseRepository';
import { Product, IProduct } from '../models/Product';
export class ProductController extends BaseController<IProduct> {
constructor() {
const productRepository = new BaseRepository<IProduct>(Product);
export class BaseController<T> implements IController {
private _repository: IRepository<T>;
constructor(repository: IRepository<T>) {
this._repository = repository;
getAll(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction): void {
this._repository.getAll((err, result) => {
if (err)
Every time I navigate to appropriate route I get the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property '_repository' of undefined
at BaseController.getAll (C:\Users\vrbat\Documents\Projects\router-test\src\api\common\BaseController.ts:19:13)
enter code here
I don't know why, because the _repository property is iniciated in productController.ts.
via jezikk