Monday 12 June 2017

Winston instance per http request

Lets say I've some REST api server (maybe Express one).

When the life cycle begins (i.e someone GET 'http://foo/bar') there is some data in the Request object.

So let's say I've got something like this:

const method1 = require('some-module').method1; app.get('/foo/bar', (req, res, next) => { method1(); });

I want a simple way in the some-module.js to get a winston instance that somehow knows about all relevant data so I don't need every time to pass the request object all over my code.

The trivial solution is to pass the method1 the object and inside do like

method1(req){'my message', {requestId:}; }

But this is ugly because I need to change the signature of all my stuff just for logs.

Another option is to make everything a class that extends winston and do something like

app.get('/foo/bar', (req, res, next) => { const foo = new Foo(new winstonWrapper(req)); });

and than'msg') will call something like'msg',{})

What an elegant way can you suggest to create a winston instance upon request and use it in other modules easily?

via YardenST

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