I'm new in Node JS and Angular. Making a small test project that retrieves rules data from a restful api, the api works fine... I load all rules in rules.html but each one of them has a link to view the details which is my pain right now... according to the tutorial the link should point to "/rules/details/"
My app.js
var app = angular.module('SmartSoftApp', ['ngRoute']);
app.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider){
$routeProvider.when('/rules/details/:id', {
moduleId: app.id,
templateUrl: '/views/ruleDetails.html',
controller: 'RulesController'
The issue here is, when I click the link, I get "Cannot get /rules/details/[id]". I can change the link to point the html file instead but I assume that's not how it works.
I'm new at this so I appreciate if someone can guide me through this
via Pablo