For some reason I cant return the string from a lodash template. I can print the string in the function but once the function ends nothing else happens, i.e. console.log doesnt work for the string that was returned or anything for that matter
this is where the function is called
var prompt = stopInfo.getStopStatus(stopNumber);
and this is the function
function stopInfo() {
stopInfo.prototype.getStopStatus = function(stopNumber) {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
uri: ENDPOINT + '?stopid=' + stopNumber + '&maxresults=1&format=json',
json: true
requestPromise(options).then(function(stopStatusObject) {
if (true) { // check if error from dublin bus
//var template = _.template('The ${busNumber} bus will arrive in ${dueTime}');
var template = _.template(' <%= error %>');
var test = template({
'error': 'test'
// busNumber: stopStatusObject.results.route,
// dueTime: stopStatusObject.results.duetime
return test;
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log("error gettin stop info: " + err);
var prompt = "I didn\'t have data for stop number " + stopNumber;
return prompt;
via user3408117