Monday 10 April 2017

Hazelcast Nodejs Client Connection Refused

I am trying to run the basic example code provided in the "Using the Client" section of

I am getting a connection refused error. I tried this on both my Mac and my PC machines with the same result. They are running Node v6.9.1. I do not have any special firewall settings. Even tried turning of the Windows firewall completely.

Is there something I am missing?

[DefaultLogger] WARN at ClientConnection: Could not connect to address localhost:5701
{ Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1026:11)
at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1049:20)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1085:14)
  errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '',
  port: 5701 }

Unhandled rejection Error: Unable to connect to any of the following addresses: localhost:5701
at Immediate.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Jennie Lyn\node_modules\hazelcast-client\lib\invocation\ClusterService.js:95:33)
at runCallback (timers.js:637:20)
at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:610:5)
at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:582:5)

via Jennie Lyn Shapiro

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