Tuesday 14 March 2017

How to stop Express hanging and silently swallowing exceptions?

When there's an exception inside a route, Express seems to both silently swallow it and hang the request until it times out. It makes it very difficult to debug.

A basic repro is this:

var thirdPartyCode = function () { 
   // I can't change this
   throw new Error("Bye");
app.get("/timeout", function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Never gets here");

The only way I've found to make it show the exception is to wrap the call to the third-party in try/catch.

In reality I've many different calls like this, and I'd rather not wrap each in try/catch if I can avoid it. Is there a better way?

  • I'm not worried about how to recover from the state of the error, I just want to be notified if an uncaught exception like this occurs.
  • I'm not able to add a call to next() inside the third-party code.

I've done a lot of NodeJS / Express error-handling searching already, but still can't find a way to solve this. Any specific suggestions would be great. Thanks.

via mikel

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