I am using express app being run through electron. What`s happening is that a list of avaialble items is displayed to the user, and upon click it runs a python code using the information of that item.
Below is the routes
let sqlSelectBoxInformation = "SELECT DISTINCT longestDimension, box_id from box WHERE occupied ='unoccupied'";
connectionBoxInformation.query(sqlSelectBoxInformation, function(err, rows, fields) {
if (!err) {
// Check to see if the user entered hashtag is found in the database
// Create a variable to track if the item was found
if(rows.length > 0){
var wasFound = false;
// if (databaseHashtag == userEnteredHashtag) {
var data = {
rows: rows,
userHashtag: databaseHashtag
res.render('delivery/chooseBox', data);
// Change the variable to true
wasFound = true;
else {
Below is the view
<h3>Please begin by selecting the box size below:</h3>
<!-- add if statement-->
<form method="post" action="/delivery/chooseBoxSelected">
<input type="hidden" name="userHashtag" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="boxSelectedValue" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="boxSelectedDimension" value="">
<button class="btn-dimension" type="submit">
<i class="fa fa-cube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Longest dimension "
What happens is that when only one item is pulled from the database and displayed as a list to the user, upon click it works. When multiple items is pulled from the database and displayed to the user, it runs a connection error.
Below is the route page (once the user has click on an item, it gets posted to this route page)
let sql = `SELECT box_id, cubby_id, occupied, comport
FROM box
WHERE longestDimension = ?
AND LOWER(box_id) = LOWER(?)`;
connection.query(sql, [boxSelectedDimension, boxSelectedValue] , function(err, rows, fields) {
if (!err) {
for(var i=0; i< rows.length; i++) {
// Make the comparaison case insensitive
if (rows[i].occupied == `unoccupied`) {
var comport = rows[i].comport;
var command = "open" + rows[i].cubby_id;
var commandClose = "close" + rows[i].cubby_id;
var options = {
scriptPath: 'python/scripts',
args: [command, comport, commandClose] // pass arguments to the script here
PythonShell.run('controlLock.py', options, function (err, results) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('results: %j', results);
Again, no connection error is thrown with only one item being rendered, but it seems to have issues with multiple within the form. I am guessing the issue is in the view.
via John