Tuesday 11 April 2017

Callback not getting called while using collection.save() in async foreach loop in node js

My aim is to save records in a mongoDB collection being in a async foreach loop. Below is the code which speaks for itself.

async.forEach(data, function(item, callback) {
      var object = new Collection_Object();

      // errorLog.push(sdb);
      object.save(function(error) {
        if(error) {
          console.log("inside error");
    }, function() {
    //This is the block which should be called after foreach. 

Now what is happening is the flow skips the save part and directly jumps to the block which should be called after forEach.

If i am commenting the save part, as expected the callback is working properly. I don't see where i am doing mistake. May be collection.save() isn't suppose to be like this. Please guide.

via this_is_sagar

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