Tuesday 11 April 2017

ArangoSH cannot connect arangodb

I just installed arangodb (version 3.1.17) on MacOS, and I cannot seem to make arangosh to work.

I installed arangodb through homebrew and it works properly. (I can start the service and the initial page opens if I type in a browser).

However, when I try to connect to it through the ssh client (arangosh), I am getting the following message:

Pretty printing values.
Could not connect to endpoint 'http+tcp://', database: '_system', username: 'root'
Error message: '401: Unauthorized'

I already modified the configuration file, removing the #, in the hope there would be no authentication:

# authentication = true

But the error persist. I wanted to create a database and add users to it, but if I cannot manage to connect via the shell, I believe this is impossible. Plus, I cannot connect to the web page, because I don't know the initial password.

Can anyone enlighten me on this question, please.

via israel.zinc

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