I am learning/playing with Web Audio API and it is awesome. I have some code, that analyses FFT of audio stream and do some calculations in realtime. It runs in browser.
But now I need to do the same thing, but process the whole audiofile and get array of data, instead playing it and analyze in realtime, and do it in Node.JS
Sample code:
var audioElement = document.getElementById("player");
var audioContext = new AudioContext();
var source = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audioElement);
analyserNode = audioContext.createAnalyser();
analyserNode.fftSize = 2048;
and looping function:
var freqByteData = new Uint8Array(analyserNode.frequencyBinCount);
//do processing FFT data
Now I need load an mp3 file, and process a looping function to it to get some array of result data. So not wait while it play, but process it immediately.
The problem is, I never tried node.js, and don't know even if it is possible to adopt this code to it. I found fft module, but it seems not be the same as browser version. I need exact results as browser does, also I am using analyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant in my calculations. The requirement is get data 30 times per second.
If it is possible, how to rewrite this code and run it like ./nodeapp file.mp3 which saves data to some txt file or stdout?
If it is not possible with node.js, how to adopt this code to run in browser/phantomjs?
via Ural
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