Friday 14 April 2017

Node-fetch returns Promise {

I am currently trying to fetch JSON from a website using the node-fetch module, and have made the following function:

var fetch = require("node-fetch");

function getJSON(URL) {
  return fetch(URL)
    .then(function(res) {
      return res.json();
    }).then(function(json) {
      //console.log(json) logs desired data
      return json;

console.log(getJson("http://api.somewebsite/some/destination")) //logs Promise { <pending> }

When this is printed to the console, I simply receive Promise { <pending> } However, if I print the variable json to the command line from the last .then function, I get the desired JSON data. Is there any way to return that same data?

(I apologize in advance if this is just a misunderstanding issue on my part, as I am rather new to Javascript)

via LegusX

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