Tuesday 11 April 2017

How to properly format this object

i got an object with arrays that gives this output (the input is from a series of forms with group-names) :

  username: [ 'username1', 'username2' ],
  firstname: [ 'firstname1', 'firstname2' ],
  lastname: [ 'lastname1', 'lastname2' ],
  email: [ 'email1', 'email2' ],

And I want the object to be formatted like this :

  [{username : username1,
    firstname : firstname1,
    lastname : lastname1,
    email : email1},

    {username: username2,
     firstname: firstname2,
     lastname : lastname2,
     email : email2}

As i'm using node.js, i think there is some method with lodash. Can anyone give me some help? Thank You !

via Ermanno Palmizio Salieri

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