Monday 8 May 2017

Using the node.js google maps client library

I think this has to do with my limited experience with javascript. I am using the node.js client library by Google , found here - The example shows how to create a client object

var googleMapsClient = require('@google/maps').createClient({
  key: 'your API key here'

And then how to run a gecode request and print out the results :

// Geocode an address.
  address: '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA'
}, function(err, response) {
  if (!err) {

What I need to do is read a list of addresses from a file and build an array of objects for all of them .

I want my code to do something along the lines of :

create address-objects array 
create a client object 
open the text files 
for each line in text files
 geocode the line(address)
 add the address and the results into an object and add it to the  address-objects

I don't understand whether the googleMapsClient.geocode returns something , if yes how do I access it ? should I set it to some variable along the lines of :

var gc_results = googleMapsClient.geocode(param , ...)

Hope I was clear , thanks in advance Jonathan.

via talisman

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