I am currently working on a REST API, working with SequelizeJS and Express.
I'm used to Django Rest Framework and I'm trying to find a similar function : I have a table User and a table PhoneNumber. I want to be able to return a user in JSON, including the list of the primarykeys of its phone numbers like this :
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phoneNumbers": [23, 34, 54],
Is there a way to do this simply and efficiently in sequelize or do I have to write functions that transform the fields like :
"phoneNumbers": [
{ "id": 23, "number": "XXXXXXXXXX" },
{ "id": 34, "number": "XXXXXXXXXX" },
{ "id": 54, "number": "XXXXXXXXXX" }
into what I have above ?
Thank you, Giltho
via Giltho