Saturday 13 May 2017

Bad Request in Discord.js (Node) and cant find out whats causing it

Im coding a bot in Discord.js (Node) and i'm trying to send an embed with the server info, i've got all the code but it keeps causing a Bad Request and i've tried everything i know here's the code:

var FieldsData = [{ name: "Channels", value: msg.guild.channels.size }, { name: "Emojis", value: msg.guild.emojis.size }, { name: "Members", value: msg.guild.members.size }, { name: "Owner", value: msg.guild.owner }, { name: "Roles", value: msg.guild.roles.size }, { name: "Region", value: msg.guild.region }, { name: "Id", value: }, { name: "Icon", value: msg.guild.iconURL }, { name: "Created At", value: msg.guild.createdAt }];'', {
    embed: {
        color: 37119,
        title: "Server info for " +,
        fields: FieldsData

i've tried the message with just one field and it works, i've tried it will each field by themselves and it works but when i put them all together they make a Bad Request, i've checked every line, every character and im just stumped at what could possibly be causing this, the max fields is 25 and i don't have that many, all the variables are valid, none produce 'Null' or 'Undefined', i've tried different setups of the code layout, i've tried adding/removing parts, editing parts, replacing bits here and there but to no avail i cant get it to work at all.

i've been trying to figure this out for 2 hours, i've searched online, docs, etc

Please Note: im not that advanced with javascript so if i've made a big mistake then dont be surprised.

"msg" is the object of the message, Example:

Bot.on('message', function (msg) { /*Stuff*/ });

I hope i've explained this enough, im using the LATEST version of Discord.js at the time of posting this and im not using ANY other extensions, packages, etc

via DEG0029

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