Saturday, 13 May 2017

How to insert multi function into array in javascript

How to push multi function into array stack[]. I using for loop or while loop to push it but it show message error. maybe it must use async. help me. tks. This is a part of my script

var obArr = []
var stack = []
var j,
    count = 0

 while (count < a.length) {
stack.push(function(callback) {
    request(a[count], function(error, response, body) {

        let dom = body
        if (!error) {
            $ = cheerio.load(dom)

        } else {
        $('.phone_number').each(function() {
            sdt = $(this).text()
        $('.member').each(function() {
            email = $(this).text()
            vl = validateEmail(email)
            if (vl) {
                email = $(this).text()
                email = email.replace(/\s/g, '')
            } else {
                email = ' '
        callback(null, sdt, email)


// stack.push(getData)
async.parallel(stack, function(err, result) {



via Bi Li