Saturday, 13 May 2017

Express App broken for unknown reason

I'm really confused my express app was working just fine until I made some modifications and everything is now broken. I checked out to a previous commit when everything was working but it's still broken.

I get this error in the browser :

localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:3000/styles.bundle.css/ 
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:3000/bootstrap-social.css/ 
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:3000/font-awesome.css/ 
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:3000/custom.css/ 
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:3000/app.bundle.js/ 
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:3000/mainClient.js/ 
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:3000/register.js/ 404 (Not Found)

Files are not found, here's my server log :

[0] GET / 304 47.615 ms - -
[0] GET /styles.bundle.css/ 404 0.928 ms - 157
[0] GET /bootstrap-social.css/ 404 0.578 ms - 160
[0] GET /font-awesome.css/ 404 1.283 ms - 156
[0] GET /custom.css/ 404 0.910 ms - 150
[0] GET /app.bundle.js/ 404 1.455 ms - 153
[0] GET /mainClient.js/ 404 1.651 ms - 153
[0] GET /register.js/ 404 2.128 ms - 151

I don't know why it started adding those "/" at the end of paths... Does anyone has an idea of what's going on ?

Note: I was trying to implement connect-history-api-fallback to use my VueRouter on a single page. But I really don't understand why the problem would persist after a git rollback !

via Martin B