Saturday, 13 May 2017

How can I set the routes correctly?

Here is a sample code:

var x = require('./folder/usefile');

var Auth = passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false });

module.exports = function(app){
console.log('inside function(app)'); //line executed!

var player = express.Router();
var finalRun = express.Router();


player.get('/', Auth, function(req, res){
console.log('inside get route');
});'/', Auth, function(req, res){


In usefile my login function is present which is exported.

I am using passport here, whose functionality is present in separate file here it is used only for authentication.

When I ran http://localhost:8080/api/usefile/---> for get method, it is displaying 404. same for post method.

The console is printed where I have mentioned line 2. It means my code is flowing till line 2.

Can anyone help me to find what mistake I have made here?

via Aditya Jain