Thursday, 11 May 2017

Nodejs app on AWS EB using serverless framework

I am setting up a project on AWS. I am using serverless framework for my REST API - so I am using dynamoDB, lambda functions, and gateway api to link everything up on the backend. That all works in a nodejs project locally on my machine. Now I am using elastic beanstalk to upload my project. But it keeps saying I have a bad gateway. I am not sure how to call to server.js to get my project set up. When I first upload files using the console, the project immediately gets downloaded in health. I can only assume because I need to run npm install, bower install and run my server.js so it continually runs once browser is closed, but the instructions in this video don't really tell me how to set that up: Can someone point me in the right direction to get all of the parts of my project running on aws?

via tcoulson

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