Tuesday 9 May 2017

Docker mounted volume only updates on container restart

I have a docker container which has NodeJs, npm, jspm & aurelia implemented, my src folder containing the styles, assets, html and js files in mounted on the host file system.

Everything looks fine but when I update html or js in the mounted volume and refresh the web app the changes are not reflected.

My docker file is as follows;

   FROM node:6.1.0
   MAINTAINER   Webnostix code@webnostix.co.uk

   RUN npm install -g jspm
   RUN apt-get -y install git
   RUN npm install aurelia-cli -g
   RUN npm install gulp -g

   # Setup the script to run on startup
   COPY . /var/www/

   EXPOSE 9000 3001
   WORKDIR /var/www/
   CMD npm install -y && au run —watch

I am running the docker container with the following command from my host directory containing my source code

    docker run -it --name AureliaBoilerPlate -v $(pwd):/var/www/src -p 9000:9000 -p 3001:3001 webgnostics/aurelia

Everything runs ok and I can see my web app on the correct port etc.. however code changes made in my local directory only update upon restarting the docker container, which is not what I understand to be how it's supposed to work.

Any ideas??

via L Clarke

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