Wednesday, 10 May 2017

AWS Lambda convert DynamoDB operator to synchronous

I'm trying to convert my dynamodb operation (put) to something of a synchronous nature. For example, I was able to do it with the Request library:


//Lets configure and request
    url: '', //URL to hit
    method: 'POST',
    //Lets post the following key/values as form
    form: {
        key: value
}, function(error, response, body){
    if(error) {
        callback(error, null);
    } else {
        callback(null, 'good job!');


var response;
    response = request({
        url: '', //URL to hit
        method: 'POST',
        //Lets post the following key/values as form
        form: {
            key: value
} catch(err)
    return err;

return response;

I have this code for AWS that I'm trying to convert but the problem is I can't seem to parse the response to ensure whether or not an error occurred.

var params = {
    Item: {
        key: value

    TableName: 'myTable'

var response = docClient.put(params);
return response;

The response I get is always the same regardless of me tampering with the table name or anything. Anyone know how to convert this to a synchronous operation? Thanks!

via booky99