Wednesday 10 May 2017

Auth0 Authemticate client App to consume external API

I have a SPA in React that make calls to an external API like: GET or GET

In server, the routes are secured with oAuth2 using express-jwt and auth0-api-jwt-rsa-validation, son only calls with Header: { Authorization: 'bearer ' + token } respond with a status 200.

If I'll consume these calls from a server side application I could obtain the token from POST passing client_id, client_secret, grant_type and audience. But since the application is client-side I think there's a best approach, avoiding to expose client_secret and so on.

I tried the implicit-grant approach but I am dealing with the callback_uri and other confusing stuff.

The main idea is to allow the Application, say https// to consume the API like GET (without users, without passwords).

via Lionel T

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