I'm trying to create a body and send my url to the backend where it stores my content
objects. However when I use const body = JSON.stringify(content);
It doesn't read the property file
Here are is my service code:
addMessage(content: Content) {
console.log("Service:", content); // File property is in the content object I sent
const body = JSON.stringify(content); // File property missing here
console.log("Body:", body);
const headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
const token = localStorage.getItem('token')
? '?token=' + localStorage.getItem('token')
: '';
return this.http.post('http://localhost:3000/content' + token, body, {headers: headers})
.map((response: Response) => {
const result = response.json();
const newContent = new Content(
return newContent;
.catch((error: Response) => {
return Observable.throw(error.json());
Here's my console:
You can see that file is in content but doesn't appear in body. I tried doing JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(content));
and to my surprise, file wasn't there. Any idea what could've went wrong?
Thank you!
via YSA