Saturday, 8 April 2017

node-mysql single value for multiple query parameters

Currently, in node.js, if I want to search for a string in multiple columns in a MySQL table I have to do like this:

    "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE column_a LIKE ? OR column_b LIKE ? OR column_c LIKE ?",
    [searchString, searchString, searchString],

I want to be able to do it like this:

    "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE column_a LIKE ? OR column_b LIKE ? OR column_c LIKE ?", 
    searchString, callback

Or maybe even with named parameters:

    "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE column_a LIKE :searchString OR column_b LIKE :searchString OR column_c LIKE :searchString",
    {searchString: "needle"},

Is there a way I can do it?

via starleaf1