Saturday, 8 April 2017

I can't evaluate delayed and ordered expressions in javascript

In Javascript (Node), I should run several expressions in an order and in some delays. This doesn't work because all of them run immediately, together in a mixed order;

var i = 0;

function run(){

setTimeout(run, 500);
setTimeout(run, 500);
setTimeout(run, 500);
setTimeout(run, 500);

And this is not good:

var i = 0;

function run(){

setTimeout(run, 500);
setTimeout(run, 1000);
setTimeout(run, 1500);
setTimeout(run, 1600);

Because It should stop evaluating the next expression. My program flow will go somewhere else and the function will run for no reason.

I need some synchronous functions to run with delay and in my written order. I couldn't implement it.

I don't know If I screwed up the design. I just want to make an online game clicking bot. But this is something different. This web bot should act like a human and click things with a random delay.

via Umut Özdemir