Saturday 18 March 2017

Not able to publish messages : Lambda Function to Mosquitto Broker installed on ec2-instance

I have a running instance of ec2 with mosquitto broker installed on it . I am successfully able to connect with the broker from my webbrowser or any other internet connected devices. Code used from any other server.

const mqtt = require('mqtt')  

const client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://ec2-public-ip',{username:'username', password : 'password'},function(err){
    console.log("Error" + err);

client.on('connect', () => {  
    client.publish('inTopic', '1')
    console.log("published and subscribed Successfully")

But when i am using the same code in lambda function . I am unable to publish the message . This is I am doing for Alexa Integration . I am suspecting : 1) Whether there is some problem with the port . Currently i am connecting using port 1883 2) Library is not supporting .

I am including the module package folder in the zip to upload on the lambda function. Any Help will be appreciable .

via Pravesh Bansal

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