Saturday, 18 March 2017

huge performance gap with nodejs and postgresql benchmark

I am creating an application with nodejs, it is using Hapi for web framework and knex for sql builder, The primary code is following:

  method: 'POST',
  path: '/location',
  config: {
    tags: ['api'],
    validate: {
      payload: {
        longitude: Joi.string().regex(/^\d+\.\d+$/).required(),
        latitude: Joi.string().regex(/^\d+\.\d+$/).required(),
        date: Joi.string().regex(/^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\s\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}.+$/).required(),
        phone: Joi.string().required(/^1\d{10}$/)
  handler: createLocation

async function createLocation(request, reply){
    const data = await knex('locations').insert(request.payload)

It simply insert some date to postgresql. I am using Wrk to benchmark it Concurrent throughput in Google Compute Engine(cheapest machine), Result:

$ wrk -c 100 -t 12 http://localhost/api/location -s wrk.lua

Running 10s test @
  12 threads and 100 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   542.22ms  102.93ms   1.02s    88.32%
    Req/Sec    21.95     18.74    70.00     78.71%
  1730 requests in 10.02s, 0.94MB read
Requests/sec:    172.65
Transfer/sec:     96.44KB

The I using pgbench to test postgresql insert performance:

$ pgbench  location -U postgres -h localhost -r -t 1000 -f index.sql -c 10

transaction type: index.sql
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 10
number of threads: 1
number of transactions per client: 1000
number of transactions actually processed: 10000/10000
latency average = 1.663 ms
tps = 6014.610692 (including connections establishing)
tps = 6029.973067 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
 - statement latencies in milliseconds:
         1.595  INSERT INTO "public"."locations"("phone", "longitude", "latitude", "date", "createdAt", "updatedAt") VALUES('18382383428', '123,33', '123.33', 'now()', 'now()', 'now()') RETURNING "id", "phone", "longitude", "latitude", "date", "createdAt", "updatedAt";

The nodejs is 172.65 req/s, and the postgresql internal native is 6000 req/s, The are actually do some thing, Why the performance is so much hug different?

via Wooden

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