Saturday, 18 March 2017

hapijs handlebars not responding

I am trying to use a handlebars but the page is not responding when my routes are correct.

I have this in my server.js, I am not showing it all, only the important parts:

const Hapi = require('hapi');
const Good = require('good');
const Vision = require('vision');
const routes = require('./src/routes');

const server = new Hapi.Server({
connections: {
    routes: {
        files: {
            relativeTo: Path.join(__dirname, 'public')

    register: Good,
    options: {
}, {
    register: Vision,
], (err) => {

    engines: {
        'html': {
            module: require('handlebars'),
    relativeTo: __dirname,
    path: 'templates',


server.start((err) => { ...


In my routes.js I have this (again only the important parts):

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/demo',
    handler: (request, reply) => {

I get no response from the server, when I do localhost:3004/demo. The file index.html EXISTS! I am sure about that. The Chrome keeps loading and loading forever. What could be the problem? Is there any way to debug this? I get no errors. I've tried a lot of things like providing the full path instead of relativeTo and path.

What am I missing?

via durisvk10