Saturday, 18 March 2017

Access database on Windows server through VPN from nodejs running on Linux

I'm kind of lost in my current project. From a linux machine running a code in nodejs I have to connect to a windows server, through VPN, and access a mySQL server running on it.

All I have is the IP of both VPN and database server inside that VPN, and username/passaword for VPN and database as well. Also I know that the VPN uses ms-chap v2.

I'm trying to use openvpn like that:

sudo openvpn --remote vpnIP --dev tun --ifconfig dbIP

This does not fail but never request VPN's username/password

And what should I do from nodejs to access the database once VPN is created?

As I've said, I'm very lost on that! Any tip will be welcome!

via Gustavo Vargas