I have a function in some model file:
module.exports.getGroupsOtherThanSelectedGroupAndItsDescendents = wrap(function*(topGroupId, generations) {
const topGroup = yield Group.find({parent: topGroupId}).populate('parent').populate('effect').populate('nature');
let groups = [];
let ids = [topGroupId];
for(let i = 0; i < generations; i++) {
const thisLevelGroups = yield Group.find({ parent : { $in : ids } }).populate('parent').populate('effect').populate('nature');
ids = thisLevelGroups.map(group => group._id);
groups = groups.concat(thisLevelGroups);
Group.getAllGroups(function(err, allGroups) {
groups.forEach(function(group) {
var index = allGroups.map(function(thisGroup) { return thisGroup.name; }).indexOf(group.name);
allGroups.splice(index, 1);
}, this);
return allGroups;
Now I am calling this function as follows from another file:
Group.getGroupsOtherThanSelectedGroupAndItsDescendents(groupId, 100).then(function(selectedGroups) {
But always, I get selectedGroups as undefined.
I think the problem is :
Before allGroups is returned from async method called getAllGroups, the value of selectedGroups is returned. so it is undefined.
But I don't know how to solve this problem.
via Vishal