I have a Node.js (AngularJS app) application which is hosted at localhost:9000. The another part (legacy one - GWT superdev mode - JeTTy) is hosted at localhost:8888.
I would like to configure the http-proxy-middleware such that anything coming in localhost:9000 (NodeJS) should be redirected to localhost:8888 (JeTTy) with the following specifications: (There are 3 endpoints of the application):
https://localhost:9000/product -> https://localhost:9000/servlets/my_servlet1 -> https://localhost:9000/admin ->
The http-proxy-middleware setting is as follows:
var proxy = proxyMiddleware(['/product', '/admin', '/servlets'], { target: '', changeOrigin: true, xfwd: true }); var app = connect(); app.use(proxy);
The proxy is up as follows:
## node scripts/serve.js [HPM] Proxy created: [ '/product, '/admin', '/servlets' ] -> listening on port 9000 https://localhost:9000
Now I am trying to access (through localhost:9000) the endpoints, failed with http:500 error:
Request URL:https://localhost:9000/servlets/my_servlet1 Request Method:POST Status Code:500 protocol = https host = null Remote Address:[::1]:9000 HTTP ERROR 500 Problem accessing /servlets/my_servlet1. Reason: protocol = https host = null Powered by Jetty://
What I am missing here?
Thanks in advanced,
via Pradip