Friday 9 June 2017

WordPress plugin with Nodejs and

I need some advice from you guys.

I need to create WordPress chat plugin with . But need a nodejs server to run. My problem is most of WordPress user's don't have servers that can run nodejs and also most of hosting packages are manged hosting.

So I found that there are some libraries called socket io php emitter. But for those also they need some php extensions that most severs don't have by default to function.

I'm sure there must be a way to do this. Since we have REST API and WordPress doing lot of things with ReactJS etc. I'm open to anything. I just need a chat plugin developed using javascript. I'm open to use any js framework like Angular, React. But I don't know how to use those with WordPress plugins.

If I can't do this with js, I'm ok to use PHP instead. Please let me know your thoughts. Please give me some directions.


via Dhanuka Nuwan

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