i've an application Mean that will deployed on Azure in a continous delivery. We have define on VSTS a build script that build typescript to JS file, clean up unuseful files, a gulp task that zip files and finally copy zip files on drop folder.
After on release level we will have a script for IT environment, staging environment.
Actually we have an Azure Web App Deployment task, it takes the zip files and decompress the files rightly.
But if i let the node-modules folder it takes more that 2 hours ...
i search a solution to launch an 'npm instal' after this task.
I know that's possible to go to Kudu and aunch the npm install.
I've tested solution with a deploy.sh (see on the net) but task not launch automatically like i see.
I've try to launch a power shell script but it's failed ...
I've the feeling that's not possibl except manual intervention via kudu or other ..
In our company we need a full automation of the deployment.
I hope someone can help me ... i'm really blocked.
Thanks in advance
via Mattious