This is the json from my sever:
data = {"id":393, "state":"mississippi", "lat":null, "lng":null, "title":"someTitle", "country":null};
I then pass that through a Jade temple like so: res.render('editUpload', {fromServer:data});
Then in my Jade template I have this:
var data = !{fromServer};
Which correctly prints mississippi
However, I'm trying to get my mixins to use that data
mixin textBoxMixin(name, label, value)
div(style="display:flex; width:100%;")
span.label #{label}
input(type="text", name="#{name}", value="#{value}")
Then I use that like this:
+textBoxMixin("title", "Title", fromServer)
which fills in the text box with the entire json "{"id":393, "state":"mississippi", "lat":null, "lng":null, "title":"someTitle", "country":null}" so I go and try this:
+textBoxMixin("title", "Title", fromServer.title)
it prints "undefined".
How do I get this mixin to accept what should just be fromServer.title
I've tried JSON.stringify(fromServer), data.address (which obviously doesn't work because data is undefined during the rendering of the page). I know that I could go back to my server and parse out all the json there and pass each item as an individual item, but that would be a giant pain since my json is actually much larger than what I've posted here.
via Glen Pierce