My problem is I have Json file of small json file creadted with node js I couldn't consume my json from that link and i tried to test my json file in some website like Json formatter there is this error : Multiple JSON root elements . when i put only one json in json formatter it become right but like this example 2 json it it wrong this is the example of my json of 2 json ,
{"@timestamp":"2017-06-11T00:28:24.112Z","type_instance":"interrupt","plugin":"cpu","logdate":"2017-06-11T00:28:24.112Z","host":"node-2","@version":"1","collectd_type":"percent","value":0} {"@timestamp":"2017-06-11T00:28:24.112Z","type_instance":"softirq","plugin":"cpu","logdate":"2017-06-11T00:28:24.112Z","host":"node-2","@version":"1","collectd_type":"percent","value":0}
via Aziz Sakly