I am following this tutorial to enable jwt authentication in my express API. https://jonathanmh.com/express-passport-json-web-token-jwt-authentication-beginners/
If I use a standard username/password authentication, I am able to use JwtStrategy to authenticate the JWT Token that I receive in the request header. jwt.sign() happens on the user id and secret. All of this works fine.
When I try to modify this code to verify the id_token (JWT Token signed using RS256) from OpenID Connect, then I get 401 Unauthorized no matter what. I tried to debug in the JwtStrategy method and it looks like the request doesn't even go inside that function. This id_token appears to be a lot longer than the one signed with HS256 algorithm.
A simple passport.authenticate call app.get('/callback', passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }), function(req, res, next) { });
Can someone please explain why it doesn't even recognise my token?
via mayurc