Thursday, 8 June 2017

NodeJS inspect not hitting breakpoints

I'm on Ubuntu 16 on a droplet on Digital Ocean, installed nodejs and am trying to remote debug.

I have nginx proxying port 80 traffic to the localhost:3000 app and all works well when I access the droplets IP.

I start the app like so

node --inspect= app.js

I get a message like this.

Debugger listening on ws://
For help see
✓ App is running at http://localhost:3000 in development mode
   Press CTRL-C to stop

In Chrome I have the NiM setup on my host and port.

The window opens automatically whenever I start the app, but that's when the fun stops.

No breakpoints are being hit and no logging is happening in the dev tools console and every few minutes it says "disconnected" and I have to hit reconnect. Is --inspect not built to be remote debugged like this?

via jamesmpw

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