Friday 9 June 2017

Dynamic Named SQL Fields

So i've got a bot that serves as a roleplaying mamager handeling combat, skill points and the like, i'm trying to make my code a bit more general so i can have less pages since they all do the same thing they just have different initilizers but i ran into a snag i need to check if the user has a minimum in a particular stat Strength, perceptions, agility, etc

so i call

mainSPECIAL = rows[0].Strength;

Here's the rub, weathers it strength, percpetion, intelligence, luck, whatever i'm always going to be checking Rows[0].that attribute ie Rows[0].Luck for luck perks, and i already set earlier in my initilizers

var PERKSPECIALName = "Strength";

But i can't call

mainSPECIAL = rows[0].PERKSPECIALName but there should be a way to do that right? so that when it sees "rows[0].PERKSPECIALName" it looks up "PERKSPECIALName" and then fetches the value of rows[0].Strength

via NekoLLX

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