Tuesday 6 June 2017

Creating a Web-Platform for production using MEAN Stack

I have this idea to build a web platform using MEAN stack as an actual business. I want this platform to let clients sign in, and each client will have its own space where they could work on some files, edit their calendar and stuff like that... Im pretty sure I can build something like that in a few months by myself. My problem \ question is, how can I be sure that im not wasting my time? I mean, how can I know that the code im writing is the actual way of doing stuff in the industry? Maybe I'll build this platform and it would work great for 10 users, and after that everything will crush and lag... Can I use NODEJS Mongodb and Express (with a lot of other packaged ofcourse) as a serious production platform that will hold hundreds of users? Assuming i have a lisence for stuff like express,passpotjs,helmet and so on, do pepole use this packages for big production platforms? and is it reliable?


via axeor

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