Friday 9 June 2017 cannot run multiple times on node.js

I'm using node, express, passport with MySQL I made a function which increments the value of a few fields in 2-3 tables. The function is invoked using a button which sends the request using post method.

The problem is that it works fine 1 time then the second time I press the button it sends this error:

Cannot POST /nextad

What am I missing?

Here is my .ejs file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <a href="/">Home Page</a>
    <a href="/logout">Logout</a>
        <form action="/nextad" method="post">
                <input type="submit" name="nextad" value="Next Ad">

Here is the corresponding to the post request:'/nextad',pointsDistrubute);

Here is the pointsDistribute function:

function pointsDistrubute(req,res,next){
    var id = req.user.UserId;
    console.log('id is:'+ id);
    var points = req.user.UserPoints;
    points = points + 1;
    //adding points to user.
    console.log('Updated user points are:'+points);
    console.log("update user set UserPoints='"+points+"' where UserId = "+id)
    connection.query("update user set UserPoints='"+points+"' where UserId = "+id);

    //adding points to cause starts vv
    console.log(" select * from DonateTo where UserId = "+id);
    connection.query(" select * from DonateTo where UserId = "+id ,function(err,rows){
        // DonateTo Rows = rows
        var keys = Object.keys(rows);
        //extracting object from RowDataPacket rows and storing in row
        for (var i=0; i<1; i++) { 
            var row = rows[keys[i]] ;
            var key = Object.keys(row);
            console.log("key:"+ key);
                //extracting id and causeId[1-5] from Object row and assigning keys 'key' to them 
                for (var j=row[key[6]]; j<key.length;) { 
                    //row[key[j]] gives value of Pointer
                    var cid = row[key[row[key[j]]]];
                    // cid is the cause id the pointer points to.
                        console.log("update Causes set CausePoints= CausePoints + 1 where CauseId = "+cid);
                        connection.query("update Causes set CausePoints= CausePoints + 1 where CauseId = "+cid);
                        //adding points to the selected cause

                        if (j==0) j++;
                        rows[0].Pointer = j;
                        console.log("update DonateTo set Pointer = "+j+" where UserId = "+id);
                        connection.query("update DonateTo set Pointer = "+j+" where UserId = "+id);
                        // value of j will move from current pointer and keep incrementing. 

                    // value of j will move from current pointer and keep incrementing.    
                    if (j==0) j++;
                    rows[0].Pointer = j;
                    console.log("update DonateTo set Pointer = "+j+" where UserId = "+id);
                    connection.query("update DonateTo set Pointer = "+j+" where UserId = "+id);

P.S. - I don't really think you need to read the body of my function to understand why this problem arises.

via Ishaan Shakunt

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