Friday 9 June 2017

A new application protocol for JS files

so I'm building a Electron application, and while developing one of it's key features, I thought up a new use case for JavaScript files and web browsers.

I have a small post here where I jotted down the backstory and subtle details of the concept.

Basicly I would like to propose a new file extension and protocol for JavaScript files, where browsers would load JS files as they do HTML documents, and through their JS engine and rending resources host the execution of the JS file.

I'm calling such files .xjs files, for Executable JavaScript Files.

So my question to the community is, how do I start such a quest, to get community support and browser adoption of this new use-case for JavaScript files, and support for such a file extension and protocol.

Should I attempt to develop such a protocol, write a spec or what?


via user1459860

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