Monday 8 May 2017

Raspberry Pi video streaming with lowest latency possible via a server to multiple clients

I want to build a video security infrastructure with raspberry pis.

Please take a look at the rough layout I've in mind:

enter image description here

What the system should be capable of:

  • The RPis need to stream a low latency video to the webserver, which displays it to all clients visiting the website.

  • If a client authenticates he can control one RPi sending commands that gets translated into GPIO commands.

  • All RPis should be controllable simultaneously by different clients in realtime.

  • Some kind of scaleability (Clients + RPis)

My Questions:

  1. I wanted to program everything in node.js. Good idea?

  2. Could WebRTC and help me in this project - if not is there another library that would help me out?

  3. How many clients could a VPS Server (8GB RAM, 4 vCores) handel in this setup?

  4. Is it possible to bring the latency down to < 2 seconds or more?

Anything helps! Thanks!

via a1xon

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