Friday 21 April 2017

OrientDB Edges don't show rid

I am creating vertices and connecting vertices with edges.

For example, I make a vertex (95:0) in the class book and connect this vertex to a certain "user" (50:0) in the class user via an edge called ownedByUser going IN the user class . Sometimes these edges and vertices are updated using the transaction builder mentioned in the OrientJS manual := transaction manual - orientjs

If I query the above in the user class, I should ideally get the below response:

  "@type": "d",
  "@rid": "#50:0",
  "@version": 76,
  "@class": "User",
  "in_ownedByUser": [
  "createdDate": "2017-03-21 10:55:20",
  "isPicAvailable": false,
  "email": "",
  "organization": "SOME_ORG",
  "uname": "cool_user",
  "confirm_password": "welcome",
  "tnc": true,
  "id": "50:0",
  "activeFlag": true,
  "@fieldTypes": "in_ownedByUser=g,createdDate=t"

where "in_ownedByUser": [ "#277:28" ], is the edge rid of the edge between the book(95:0) and the user (50:0).

But sometimes the query returns as the below:

  "@type": "d",
  "@rid": "#50:0",
  "@version": 31,
  "@class": "User",
  "createdDate": "2017-04-05 12:35:24",
  "isPicAvailable": true,
  "activeFlag": true,
  "email": "",
  "organization": "SOME+ORG",
  "uname": "cool_user",
  "confirm_password": "welcome",
  "tnc": true,
  "in_ownedByUser": [
      "@type": "d",
      "@version": 0,
      "@class": "ownedByUser",
      "out": "#94:58",
      "in": "#48:23",
      "@fieldTypes": "out=x,in=x"
  "id": "50:0",
  "@fieldTypes": "in_ownedByUser=g,createdDate=t"

Notice that the key in_ownedByUser has the document directly and not the edge rid. This document inside in_ownedByUser is also missing an rid. an anyone tell me what is happening here? This doesn't happen all the time. I would like to know in what scenario does the edge rid get replaced with this document tppe of value.

via user1452759

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