Saturday, 22 April 2017

Video is not see running the helloworld node js samples , KMS 6.0 ,Ubuntu 14.04

Running helloworld nodejs sample on the KurentoMedia Server 6.0 , Ubuntu14.04.

start the hello world(chrome,firefox) and run on start.No video is displayed in local and remote , just the spinning wheels .

The log on the Browser window shows the following : Page loaded ... Starting video call ... Creating WebRtcPeer and generating local sdp offer ... spec: {"audio":true,"video":{"width":640,"framerate":15}} chrome: {"audio":true,"video":{"optional":[{"minWidth":640},{"maxWidth":640},{"minFramerate":15},{"maxFramerate":15}]}} Invoking SDP offer callback function localhost:8443 Senging message: ..............

Received message: {"id":"iceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:8 2 TCP 1019216638 9 typ host tcptype active","sdpMid":"audio","sdpMLineIndex":0,"module":"kurento","type":"IceCandidate"}} Received message: {"id":"iceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:8 2 TCP 1019216638 9 typ host tcptype active","sdpMid":"video","sdpMLineIndex":1,"module":"kurento","type":"IceCandidate"}} Received message: {"id":"iceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:9 2 TCP 1015022334 37115 typ host tcptype passive","sdpMid":"audio","sdpMLineIndex":0,"module":"kurento","type":"IceCandidate"}} Received message: {"id":"iceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:9 2 TCP 1015022334 37115 typ host tcptype passive","sdpMid":"video","sdpMLineIndex":1,"module":"kurento","type":"IceCandidate"}}

How to verify if the audio/vedio is transmitting. Any suggestion is welcome.

via Raghav