Saturday, 22 April 2017

Building a website for users to chat with video, audio and text with nodeJS

I am trying to build a website kind of like I have built already a text chat like you can see here

I am using over nodeJS, and I am trying to implement a way to have a video chat type. My inicial goal was to have a many-to-many skype like conference, but now i only need one-to-one kind of call, but without the call itself, just enter the website, enter your username and there you have it, a call to the next persons that enters the room.

I tried to figure out how I can make that but everytime I find something on google it tells me that either I need to use a call kind of system or I can't use

Some of the library I have heard off are

  • EasyRTC
  • SimpleWebRTC
  • PeerJS

I want to know if any of this is an option, and if it's really necessary to loose, and just stick with one of those options.

via Gonçalo Correia