I was wondering where can I find my alchemy API key on Bluemix? I looked at the following question on SO (Where to get the Alchemyapi API key?) however, my bluemix looks nothing like that.
I do not have an apikey field, only username and password along with a url. IBM's documentations are approaching the usefulness of Java Docs (I.E, loads of info very little as far as demos go)
Below is how my creds look like:
"url": "so_url",
"username": "3e49e046-....",
"password": "XXXX"
I downloaded the npm module using the following instructions (https://www.npmjs.com/package/watson-developer-cloud#alchemylanguage) it mentions that username and password are the api key, so do they just get concatenated together? Is there anything that I missing from my Bluemix by chance?
The way i have my api key now, i.e where it is just username and password merged together returns an invalid api key error.
via SomeStudent