Thursday, 16 March 2017

retrieve only the name of the website in google search api

i'm using this snippet to implement a custom searh engine:

var google = require('googleapis');
var customsearch = google.customsearch('v1');

const CX = 'myCXKey';
const API_KEY = 'myApiKey';
const SEARCH = 'stackoverflow';

customsearch.cse.list({ cx: CX, q: SEARCH, auth: API_KEY }, function (err, resp) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log('An error occured', err);
  // Got the response from custom search
  //console.log('Result: ' + resp.searchInformation.formattedTotalResults);
  if (resp.items && resp.items.length > 0) {

with stackoverflow as research field i'm getting this:

{ kind: 'customsearch#result',
  title: 'Brevetto USD769288 - Display screen with an animated graphical ...',
  htmlTitle: 'Brevetto USD769288 - Display screen with an animated graphical ...',
  link: '',
  displayLink: '',
  snippet: 'Available online at URL: <\n-uitableview-alphabetically>. 5, *, Rezgui, Neji. "Indexable ListView sur Android ...',
  htmlSnippet: 'Available online at URL: &lt;http://<b>stackoverflow</b>.com/questions/3377254/autogroup<br>\n-uitableview-alphabetically&gt;. 5, *, Rezgui, Neji. &quot;Indexable ListView sur Android&nbsp;...',
  cacheId: 'GieXn_KFPMAJ',
  formattedUrl: '',
  htmlFormattedUrl: '',
   { book: [ [Object] ],
     metatags: [ [Object] ],
     cse_image: [ [Object] ] } }

what i want to achieve is to retrieve only the first result of google search. is it possible to do that?

for example:

for stackoverflow search i want to be displayed the correspondent URL.

thanks in advance.

via OiRc

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