Saturday 18 March 2017

rally-node Add new item to collection

Using the rally-node toolkit, I'm getting an error message returned when attempting to add new Changeset, with new Changes inline, to an existing Userstory. When I have the new Changes commented out there's the Changeset is added as expected. It seems to be something specifically with the Change data that I can't figure out.

Add call:

      "Message":"Feature/tags (#11)",

Returned error: { [Error: Could not create artifact to collection] errors: [ 'Could not create artifact to collection', 'Cannot parse object reference from "{null: {"Action": "M", "PathAndFilename": "file1.json", "Uri": "https://ghe/org/repo/commit/b8460460254cb79d3e72c98172c164f5c4d3493a/file1.json"}}"' ] }

It seems to be telling me it tried to find an existing change with that data, but I want to add a new change as specified in the docs and a recent question:

Rally API Add Tags to existing userstory NodeJS

via Matt Murphy

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