Tuesday 14 March 2017

Node.js Gmail Passing Authentication to on.click()

I'm building a gmail app in Node for personal use/learning and have gotten fairly far, but now I'm stuck at something that is probably pretty noobish.

In the app, I have the authorization function (taken from Google's quickstart.js tutorial), and then I run a function that grabs the latest 10 emails and their header data and prints them into a list. This list contains a data attribute with that emails unique ID.

I figured it would be fairly simple to do an on click event that now passes the clicked email's ID to a function to retrieve the full email. The problem is that in order to retrieve the data, I need to pass the auth to the function.

`// get the message from the message ID
function getFullMessage(auth,id) {

  var gmail = google.gmail('v1');

  messageId = id;
  var request = gmail.users.messages.get({
    'auth': auth,
    'userId': 'me',
    'id': messageId
  }, function(err, response) {
    if (err) {
      alert('The API returned an error: ' + err);
    else {      

So my question is, how do I get that function to authenticate when I cannot pass the auth attribute to it? Is there a way to set a global auth variable or something?

via Harmonic

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